Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder According to Victoria J. et al (2007), Gender Identity Disorder can simply be defined as a disorder in which someone feels that they are or should be a member of the opposite sex. American Psychiatric Association, (2000) defines Gender Identity Disorder as a strong and persistent cross gender identification accompanied by persistent discomfort with ones assigned sex. It is simply a conflict between what gender one identifies himself or herself with and his or her real gender. An example would be where a certain boy identifies herself as a girl and behaves as such. Need essay sample on "Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed This is a subject that has received immense attention from psychiatrists and psychologists with immense literature written on the same. The interest of this paper will be on the description of the illness as well as the research that exists regarding the disorder. It will also focus on the direction of future research. Intensified interest into the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder began over 20 years ago, since then a couple of diagnostic models have been formulated with each spelling out its particular requirements to be met for an inpidual to be fully diagnosed as suffering from the disorder. These would range from a criteria set by Rosen et al (1977) that requires that there be a clear difference between gender behavior disturbance and cross gender identification for a full diagnosis to be carried out. Stoller (1968) referred to the disorder as a male childhood homosexualism which merely in a man is a fixed belief that he is a member of the opposite sex and will grow up to develop the anatomical characteristics of the opposite sex. This paper will use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder for diagnosis and the general description of the disorder. The American Psychiatric Association has spelt out 4 criteria that have to be met for there to be a full diagnosis of the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder. The first criterion has it that an inpidual must manifests an acute problem of cross- gender identification. This is where there exists a strong desire to pass of as a member of the opposite sex. It should be noted that this cross gender identification must not merely be a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being of the other sex, but is the exhibition of a real identity crisis where such an inpidual goes ahead to act , behave and even dress like the member of a sex that he or she believes to be. Such an inpidual also indicates strong desires and states so that he or she would wish to be treated as a member of the opposite sex. (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) Secondly, the inpidual suffering from the disorder must have a marked distress or interpersonal difficulty because of the disturbance (Wanda k, 2005). Such discomfort may be manifested in the inpiduals behaviors where boys for example will attest to being disturbed by the presence of male sexual organs in their bodies believing that these organs will eventually disappear. Such inpiduals go ahead to behave like the members of the opposite sex refusing entirely to be associated with tools that society has transcribed to be for a certain sex, such as toys and clothes. Girls for example may not be willing to conform to their usual urinating position. As an inpidual progresses in age, he or she may have a disturbing preoccupation with altering his or her sex characteristics to suite those of his or her perceived gender. There maybe hormonal injections or surgery to get rid of some characteristics. The third criterion is that the inpidual should not have a concurrent physical intersex condition (e.g. partial androgen insensitivity syndrome or Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) As aforementioned, in Gender Identity Disorder, both boys and girls exhibit behaviors and also the symptoms manifested in adolescent vary from those of young children. It is important to understand that where children suffering from the disorder may only state their wish to be members of the opposite sex, those in their adolescents may go ahead and behave as such and take the initiative of altering their sexual characteristics. Young children may indulge in fantasies of being members of the opposite sex. For example, boys may secretly wear their mothers or sisters clothes as well as carrying out activities that are culturally accepted to be of the opposite sex. Girls suffering from an identity disorder may spend time playing with balls and boy toys while small boys are preoccupied with playing with girl toys and dolls. Such behaviors according to Victoria et al (2007) may emerge when the person is a child or it may not present itself until the person is adult. Most people suffering from Gender Identity Disorder find it hard to interact and socialize with others and most are victims of ostracization. These boys are referred to as sissies and may undergo intense teasing from their peers. Due to these ostracizations, they are at a higher risk of having depression especially as the society is far from accepting such conditions and the urges towards sex change harbored by such inpiduals. Gender Identity Disorder is still shrouded with controversy especially as most of the people with this disorder do not regard it as a problem fronting the argument that they are simply not conforming to the societys assigned gender roles. It should be noted that there is a clear distinction between Gender Identity Disorder and the inability of an inpidual to conform to the gender roles that are culturally set and accepted. One should not be misdiagnosed as having the disorder unless the full syndrome is present, including marked distress or impairment, as American Psychiatric Association (2000) points out adding that Gender Identity Disorder represents a profound disturbance of the inpiduals sense of identity with regard to maleness and femaleness. There are various treatments to the sexual and gender identity disorder. Sex reassignment surgery that results to an inpidual acquiring desired sexual organs like the vagina and the penis has been described as having a number of side effects as most of the inpiduals that have undergone it complain of inadequate vaginal depth. More than 30% regret having undergone sex re-assignment surgery. (Wanda k, 2005). Other inpiduals resort to hormonal treatment. Psychotherapy is the most lauded of the efforts to treat Gender Identity Disorder. Such therapy assist them to find a workable, comfortable sexual identity. This is in the understanding of the rail road of problems undergone by such inpiduals in a society that views the disorder with stigma lenses. Medical professionals have frowned at conversion therapies believing that such inpiduals should instead be assisted to carry on with the identity they feel comfortable in. The research into the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder has undergone tremendous transformations over time but still there exists conflicting details on its diagnosis and treatment. Contributions into the subject are varied but it is important to point out that the works of Richard Green in 1987 titled The Sissy Boy Syndrome achieved much prominence. Earlier studies did not make a distinction between inpiduals with Gender Identity Disorder and homosexuals with Richard green believing they were indeed homosexuals. Past research also did not make a clear distinction between transvestism and transexuality lumping it together with homosexuality.It is only in the recent past that these terms have been well defined giving indications that even transsexuals have own sexual orientation and may necessarily not be homosexuals. The current research and interests are focused on the best therauptic treatment of Gender Identity Disorder. Findings and experiences indicate that there are successes in treating children suffering from Gender Identity Disorder but it is exceptionally hard to treat adults. Current research also focuses on the follow up on the said treated children to reveal whether the disorder will recur in the later life especially during the late adolescence (Victoria J. et al, 2007) Gender identity disorder has overtime aroused interest amongst psychologists most of whom feel that it is has been misdiagnosed for long. There exists various models that have been formulated providing varied criteria for its diagnosis. According to the American Psychiatric Association DSM-IV, for a person to be diagnosed with gender identity disorder, he or she must exhibit a strong desire to be identified as a member of the opposite sex. Such an inpidual must also exhibit open distress and disturbance by the presence of sexual organs in the body and wish that they could change their sex. There are various ways to address this disorder but most medical professionals admit it is harder to treat children compared to adults. Future research will center on ways through which therapy could be successfully extended to adults. References American Psychiatric Association, DSM-IV. 2000. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TR. American Psychiatric Pub, Inc. Victoria J. Fraser, Laurence Burd, Elizabeth Liebson, Gregg Y. Lipschik, Matthew Peterson, 2007. Diseases and Disorders. Marshall Cavendish Corporation Wanda K. Mohr, 2005. Psychiatric-mental Health Nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Rosen, A. C., Rekers, G. A. 103. Rosen A.C, Revers G.A, Friar L.A., 1977. Theoretical and diagnostic issues in child gender Disturbances. J Sex Res.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Educational leadership styles Which one fits you

Educational leadership styles Which one fits you If you’re looking to take your career in education to the next level, part of that means understanding what kind of leadership skills you have- and how you’d apply those in your job. Because educators are already a pretty diverse crowd, it should be no surprise that leadership styles can vary pretty widely too. So let’s look at the main types of educational leaders. The AuthoritarianThis sounds severe, but the authoritative leader is the one who is able to set a clear direction or implement a new vision. This means the leader is a decision-maker, often the final say. The authoritative leader is often the cheerleader-in-chief, motivating a team (or multiple teams) toward a single goal. The authoritative leader is a confident, strong voice, and comfortable making decisions. If you feel more comfortable giving orders than taking them taking them, then this might be your style.Pro: Things get done how you want them done.Con: Team members may have trouble connecting t o this kind of leader, since they’re less engaged in the decision-making process.The Team BuilderThis kind of leader, also known as an affiliative leader, focuses on building, maintaining, and repairing relationships. The affiliative leader’s priority is on harmony and collective productivity. This type of leader typically strives to get input from others and have good relationships with everyone on the team, rather than hand down assignments.Pro: Team members feel valued and connected.Con: Poor performance is sometimes ignored in favor of maintaining larger group harmony.The PoliticianThis kind of leader, also known as the democratic leadership type, works on consensus. This leader has the final say, but relies on having other stakeholders weigh in as well. The diverse perspectives can foster creativity and innovation, because everyone is able to give input and share their points of view.Pro: Team members feel more engaged because they have a say in the process.Con: D ecisions may not happen quickly if you’re waiting for mass buy-in.The CoachThe coaching-focused leader prioritizes team development over immediate achievement. Meeting goals is about the process, and providing feedback and instruction to make sure that members of the team are able to succeed in the project at hand, or on a more long-term basis. It’s also a natural leadership style for many teachers, who are already accustomed to nurturing talent to hit milestones. In this role, the coaching leader often delegates tasks and responsibility to help team members understand and learn in a hands-on way.Pro: This is a very forward-thinking leadership style, and encourages team members to set and achieve their own goals.Con: It can be time-consuming to incorporate feedback and ongoing training. Also, if team members are resistant to learning, that can also slow overall progress.The VisionaryThe visionary leader is focused on innovating and improving outcomes. For these leaders , the status quo is less important than setting goals and improving how students learn, how teachers work in the classroom, etc. The visionary leader typically spends a lot of time brainstorming and engaging others in common goals.Pro: Employees feel empowered to find new ways to accomplish goals.Con: Sometimes focusing on the big picture can lead to neglect of the everyday, or less interesting tasks at hand.There is no one-size-fits-all leadership style for an educator, or even a school. So depending on your personality and your goals, it may be that one of these suits you really well- and others not at all. Whatever your leadership style is, it’s important to nurture those qualities and find leadership opportunities that work for you.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Idioms Phrasal Verbs in English Business Writing [common mistakes]

Idioms Phrasal Verbs in English Business Writing [common mistakes] As businesses become more international, so must our writing. Most of the time, good business writing skills transfer very well to global audiences, but there are some confusing verbs that global business writers should try to avoid. These are called phrasal verbs. First, let’s take a look at the different types of verbs. There are two main types of verbs: Action verbs, such as run, jump, talk, negotiate, etc. Stative verbs, such as be, have, like, love, etc. (We don’t really â€Å"do† these verbs. They are more descriptive verbs than doing verbs.) As I’m sure you can guess, there are far more action verbs that stative verbs, and there are a lot that are particular to business. You can find a great list of business related action verbs here from Pepperdine University: Now that we have reviewed some background information on verbs, what exactly is a phrasal verb? A phrasal verb is phrase made up of a verb and a preposition that means something other than what the two words mean independently. If we made this into a formula, it would look like this: verb + preposition = new meaning Phrasal verbs are common in English, but they are difficult for global audiences. They are often concidered idioms. You cannot deduce the meaning based on the two words alone, they can be difficult to find in a dictionary, and they are different from one English speaking country to another. (Ever notice that the British call to-go food â€Å"take away† while in the U.S. it’s called â€Å"take out?†) Let’s take a look at a couple of examples, and the synonymous one-word verbs you could use instead: The markets are blowing up right now. In this example, no one is literally blowing air up into the sky, so this could be hard to decode. Instead, say: The markets are exploding right now. The use of the synonymous one-word verb exploding makes the sentence accessible for all readers, not just those who speak a particular variety of English. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, 'bf4ee473-8e6b-46bf-b9e3-368d74d60b44', {}); Here’s another example: We need to look into that option. In this example, we are not literally looking into a box or the refrigerator, so this also could be hard to understand. Instead, we should say: We need to research that option. In both examples, there is a one-word verb that means the same thing as the phrasal verb. When writing for a global audience, it is always better to use the synonymous one word verb because it is easier to understand and far easier to look up if your reader doesn’t understand it. If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy our full list of business writing tips. For readers looking to improve their English business writing skills we offer a full business writingcourse for non-native speakers.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Poem Explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poem Explication - Essay Example There are six stanzas in it, but none of them follow traditional poetic forms or a set meter. Instead, Hughes allows the lines to be choppy, like how he imagines a hawk might think. The animal's self-impression is given as he seems to judge his body, "on falsifying dream / Between my hooked head and hooked feet: / Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat" (2-4). The thoughts are presented as fragments only loosely connected to each other. As the hawk surveys his land through these choppy thoughts, it becomes clear he considers himself the master of his domain, â€Å"Nothing has changed since I began. / My eye has permitted no change. / I am going to keep things like this† (22-24). The mind of the hawk is flighty, but shows two primary drives -- an appreciation for beautiful detail and a deadly purpose. Hughes demonstrates a strong understanding of the hawk's world as something that is both beautiful and terrible. He says, "the earth's face is upward" (8) as he talks about th e trees poking into the sky, the buoyant air of the mountain and the warm sunshine. These details bring to mind a beautiful spring day glittering with promise.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Developing a business plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Developing a business plan - Assignment Example The other way is to increase labor and expertise in handling the needs of our clients better. The product logistics and quality controls will be essential in defining the way these products take place. A vertical retail presence in crucial catalogues and e-commerce avenues will be pursued. Advertisement by creating a buzz about this new brand will be made especially amongst opinion leaders based on a combination of product placement and public relations. To achieve this, the needed abilities are good technological backgrounds. The goal is to have a system that enhances customer experiences through the acknowledgement of feedback from the users. The company is also leveraging on its current technology that ensures it can use its services to benefits its clients and provide a solution to their needs. The capabilities lacking are in mass production, which could hinder the number of outlets served. The current number requires an adjustment (Rumelt, 2011). The products are ladies’ creams for both day and night. They will be produced at our manufacturing plant and sold by representatives across the board in both retail and wholesale shops. The goal is to create a wide supply chain team to ensure the products reach out to the largest audience. The sellers will be getting a commission when dealing directly with the company, while those in retail will get lower prices to ensure they profit from stocking our products. The development processes are unique in that they encompass the utility of the ideals of modern technology combine with appropriate understanding of biological attributes of the human body. The production takes place at a facility that follows the required criterion that assures the client of a quality product. The marketing aspect takes place on both new and traditional media, with the new media taking the highest form. This is because most of the targeted clients use these forms of media for communication and information. Products are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nike Promotions Essay Example for Free

Nike Promotions Essay After looking at Nike’s marketing strategy with respect to product, price, place and promotion, the outstanding success of the brand name calls for more attention to Nike’s promotional strategies. Nike’s promotions and advertisements have been deemed the best in the retail industry. The â€Å"Just Do It† slogan is supposedly one of the most famous and easily recognized slogans in advertising history. It would be safe to claim that brand management is easily one of Nike’s core capabilities. With the company’s advertising budget today reaching $2.4 billion, it is worth looking into Nike’s advertising strategies and how these strategies helped strengthen the brand image. 1980-1988: Early Advertising Before television advertisements, Nike released several successful print ads. One of its earliest print ad campaigns was the â€Å"There is no finish line† campaign by John Brown and Partners. The posters were an instant hit, since, it did not focus on the running shoe product, but instead on the person wearing the shoes. At this early stage, Nike saw the lucrative value in sports sponsorships. The company began sponsoring track and field athletes like Carl Lewis. With lucky breaks, Nike signed some bigger names in the athletic world like Wayne Gretzy and, probably the most important sponsorship signing in Nike history, Michael Jordan. 1988: The JUST DO IT Campaign This campaign was probably Nike’s most known and successful. In 1988, Nike worked with ad agency Wieden and Kennedy to create the slogan Just Do It. The company used this campaign to cash in on the jogging/fitness craze of the 80s. Top competitor Reebok was sweeping the aerobics race so Nike responded with Just Do It ads that practically shamed people into exercising, and more importantly, to exercise in Nikes. The Just Do It ads truly embodied the philosophy of grit, determination and passion to encourage consumers to embrace the culture of fitness rather than focus on the product. The Just Do It campaigns were also successful because of their celebrity features including Bo Jackson, John McEnroe, and Michael Jordan. These famous athletes reassured the quality of the Nike product and gave Nike a â€Å"hip† brand image. These ads were basically turning sweaty, pain-ridden exercise into something sexy and exciting. And lastly, the Just Do It ads were usually humorous, thus connecting to consumers on a level that made them comfortable and feeling positive about the brand. 2000-2005 Using its cooperations with various ad agencies, Nike released several popular and well-received TV commercials. In fact, the company received two Emmy awards for best commercial twice. The first was for â€Å"The Morning After,† which featured a runner on his morning jog on January 1, 2000, facing the chaos of the Y2K predictions. The commercial really connected to consumer emotions, as speculations of the new millennium were the conversation buzz around that time. The second Emmy was for a Nike commercial called â€Å"Move† that featured many famous and regular athletes performing a serious of athletic pursuits in a creative â€Å"pass it on† way. Starting in 2005, Nike released another successful ad campaign that were targeted at athletic woman. The ad focused on women’s Thunder Thighs and Big Butts, encouraging them to embrace their athletic body parts and shapes. This was yet another successful way Nike connected to the consumer on a personal level, as we all know that women tend to care about their self images. 2005 to Present Having built up an empire of a brand, Nike continued to focus on celebrity endorsements. Nike took famous athletes in a variety of sports to feature them in ads. LeBron James from basketball, Tom Brady from football, Ronaldhino from soccer, Roger Federer from tennis and Tiger Woods from golf, just to name a few. Using the A-list, top-notch names in the athletic world really helped tip Nike over into the â€Å"elite† brand division. At this point, Nike is reaching its peak in sales and in brand image. Having reached this peak, Nike is now changing up the promotion game and branching out to the digital world. With a 40% decrease in print and TV advertising, Nike is now trying to stray away from superstars. Now that Nike as perfected the art of branding, it is moving on to a world where consumers want to be told less. In 2010, Nike launched its new marketing division called Nike Digital Sport. This digital focus on sports conceived the Nike+ platform, which is a marriage of Apple and Nike technologies that allows people to track their athletic performance. It is also a platform that allows Nike to virtually have personal conversations with its consumers and, subtly study its consumer’s behavioural patterns. Overall, it seems like Nike is always in tune with consumer preferences and addresses them through strategic and well-executed advertising tactics. It is no surprise that the Nike brand is one of the most well recognized in the world.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Medias Impact on Politics Essay -- Government

Here in America, we try to pay close attention to everything that goes on in the government. Whatever decision they make we want to know when, where, why, and how. This is because whatever decision that they make will determine what will happen with this country as a whole in the long run. So what is the best way to find out what’s going on with our government? Why the media of course. The media plays a major part in every aspect of the government including what happens in elections, the reporting of major military operations and how the American people will react to certain political situations or scandals. Here are some the ways that the media affects the way we think when it comes to the government. The Right to Laugh: Media Satire and its Role in Politics. In times of political and world turmoil such as the ones we live in today, one may find it impossible to turn on a television or open a newspaper without finding some work that aims to criticize or express opinion about the state of things. Straight ahead and well written essays and reports and serious discussions are always important and the most common method for challenging the status quo. However, in our media saturated world, satires and political comedy are also a valid and potent weapon. Throughout the history of the 20th century and continuing stronger than ever today, political humor and satire has played a significant role in how we as a society perceive, judge, and run our government. True satire is meant to firstly challenge an idea or thought construct and in effect evoke change, all the while making its audience find humor in the idea it challenges. Television programs such as Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Dennis Miller Live, Comedy Central’s... Hale, E. Arab Media Focus on Another Side of the Conflict. USA Today. Retrieved March 26, 2003, from the World Wide Web: Audiences fragmented and skeptical: The tough job of communicating with voters (February 5, 2000). The Pew Research Center for People and the Press. Interest Index, Final Topline, January 12-16, 2000. Milbank, D. (October 18, 2000). Tracking Laughs is no Joke in Election Year. The Washington Post. Retrieved March 24, 2003, from the World Wide Web: Moore fires Oscar anti-war salvo (March 24, 2003) The BBC Online Journal. Retrieved March 27 from the World Wide Web:

Monday, November 11, 2019

When Harry Met Sall

Interpersonal Communication ‘When Harry Met Sally’ is a romantic comedy set from the mid 1970’s to the mid-to-late 1980’s. From the beginning the film seemed like the perfect example from Mark Knapp’s 10 stages of relational development. There was a plethora of talking and Harry was quite witty while Sally was very sweet and up-beat. As a personal opinion, at first the film seemed to be slightly boring plot-wise – a man and a woman meet to travel a ways to the city?Sounds like the perfect situation to ‘fall in love’ in and have a happily ever-after. Though, as more of the movie was watched, it became more interesting and less of an assignment requirement. In relation to Harry and Sally’s relationship regarding Mark Knapp’s 10 stages of relational development, they jump around from following the path with initiating and experimenting in the beginning of the film while they were driving to New York, to initiating to te rminating right away after their second encounter at the airport.After both characters find themselves apart from their wife and boyfriend respectively, they crashed into each other at a bookstore and skipped right back into the experimenting stage, where they spoke to each other about friendship and having dinner. After initiating their friendship they began to grow closer, stepping up to the intensifying stage – where they spend a lot of time with each other and where Harry confides in Sally about the girls he takes out for dinner and Sally in the odd dream or two she occasionally has – where no one would know she had unless they were told.Soon enough they casually went on to the intensifying stage as they spent the most of their time together than with their respective best friends (which they unwittingly got them into a relationship with each-other), and as it happens, Sally one night calls Harry crying about her ex-boyfriend getting married to a woman he had just met, the two main characters in the film intensify their relationship and relieve their desires.After that, they both freak out and jump, once again, to the terminating stage and end up avoiding each other for a good length of time. Self-disclosure played an intensely heavy role in the development of their relationship when Harry finally begins to attempt to speak to Sally once more after they both terminated their relationship. While the earlier attempts at self-disclosure (Harry telling Sally he was not ready to date again, etc. ), this makes a particular impact on their relationship when he tells Sally how much she means to him.Identifying the terms was easy enough throughout the entire film – initiating the relationship when they met through a mutual good friend of theirs, experimenting as they spoke to each other about different topics during their trip to New York. Terminating their relationship was especially easy to identify – Sally was always particularly happ y to terminate their relationship during the times that they seemed to grow apart (she also did not particularly enjoy his presence when they had just met).Identifying the Intensifying stage was easy enough when they met for the third time and they began to speak more without openly insulting each other and began to spend more time with each other and do certain domestic things with each other. This film, over-all, was actually very entertaining and humourous. The interaction between both Harry and Sally had me laughing more than once over the duration of the film and it had clear visuals of two people bonding and forming a friendship, and eventually a relationship, from the beginning to practically the end.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart

Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart The main raw materials used in the cement manufacturing process are limestone, sand, shale, clay, and iron ore. The main material, limestone, is usually mined on site while the other minor materials may be mined either on site or in nearby quarries. Another source of raw materials is industrial by-products. The use of by-product materials to replace natural raw materials is a key element in achieving sustainable development. In the wet process, the slurry is fed to a rotary kiln, which can be from 3. m to 5. 0 m in diameter and from 120. 0 m to 165. 0 m in length. The rotary kiln is made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Process temperatures can reach as high as 1450oC during the clinker making process. In the dry process, kiln feed is fed to a preheater tower, which can be as high as 150. 0 meters. Material from the preheater tower is discharged to a rotary kiln with can have the same diameter as a wet process kiln but the length is much shorter at approximately 45. m. The preheater tower and rotary kiln are made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant Our Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant mainly including Mobile Jaw Crusher Plant , Mobile Cone Crusher Plant , Mobile Impact Crusher Plant , the mobile cement bag packaging plant specification :1. Available in 2 – 6 Spouts model 2. Available in Wheel mounted or Fix Models. 3. Auto-weighing system with bag pushing system 4.Pre-assembled with solenoid valve, limit switch etc. 5 Sub-divided in to Heavy duty Air Compressor 6 Capacity : 10- 60 ton per hour. The black, nodular clinker is stored on site in silos or clinker domes until needed for cement production. Clinker, gypsum, and other process additions are ground together in ball mills to form the final cement products. Fineness of the final products, amou nt of gypsum added, and the amount of process additions added are all varied to develop a desired performance in each of the final cement products.Our mobile cement plants are used in Indonesia, Vietnam , Iran, India, Chile, Venezuela, Libya, Angola, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan , Yeman, Eygpt, Nigeria, Tajikistan , Saudi Arabia , Zimbabwe, Dubai, Vietnam, Philippines, Brazil. Cement Plant Equipment 1. Kilns  : We have manufactured high-quality kilns, made of varied materials, since a long period of time. All kilns are excellent heat exchangers where heat is transferred in a variety of ways. We produce kilns which are made with precision and detailed accuracy.They are highly durable and made with attention to each and every detail as provided by the client. 2. High Efficiency Separators  : We also supply high efficiency separators with our cement plants. High availability, high selectivity, low energy consumption, proper product separation, cooling and drying, and relatively lo w capital expenditure are all the features available in our high-efficiency separator.. 3. Crushers  :A machine to reduce large solid chunks of raw material into smaller chunks.It is widely used in a cement plant. We are manufacturers of a wide range of crushers. We supply all types of crushers and crushing equipment to be used in cement plants. 4. Feeders  : We supply you a range of feeders in varying sizes and shapes. Used in cement plants, the feeders we are offering are efficiently designed for heavy duty applications. Available in different capacities and sizes, our feeders have been well-tested for facilitating uniform flow of materials to the crusher and conveyors. 5.Conveyors  : We offer our customers with premium quality conveyors which are used for transporting products from one end to another. Highly durable and robust, our conveyors are specially designed to handle all types of load and materials in a cement plant. 6. Hoppers  : Our range of hoppers are available in various capacities as required by customers. These hoppers are highly durable and have a rugged performance. Catering to the technological developments, our products have successfully met the industrial standards. Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart Mobile Cement Plant Process Flow Chart The main raw materials used in the cement manufacturing process are limestone, sand, shale, clay, and iron ore. The main material, limestone, is usually mined on site while the other minor materials may be mined either on site or in nearby quarries. Another source of raw materials is industrial by-products. The use of by-product materials to replace natural raw materials is a key element in achieving sustainable development. In the wet process, the slurry is fed to a rotary kiln, which can be from 3. m to 5. 0 m in diameter and from 120. 0 m to 165. 0 m in length. The rotary kiln is made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Process temperatures can reach as high as 1450oC during the clinker making process. In the dry process, kiln feed is fed to a preheater tower, which can be as high as 150. 0 meters. Material from the preheater tower is discharged to a rotary kiln with can have the same diameter as a wet process kiln but the length is much shorter at approximately 45. m. The preheater tower and rotary kiln are made of steel and lined with special refractory materials to protect it from the high process temperatures. Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant Our Mobile Cement Bag Packaging Plant mainly including Mobile Jaw Crusher Plant , Mobile Cone Crusher Plant , Mobile Impact Crusher Plant , the mobile cement bag packaging plant specification :1. Available in 2 – 6 Spouts model 2. Available in Wheel mounted or Fix Models. 3. Auto-weighing system with bag pushing system 4.Pre-assembled with solenoid valve, limit switch etc. 5 Sub-divided in to Heavy duty Air Compressor 6 Capacity : 10- 60 ton per hour. The black, nodular clinker is stored on site in silos or clinker domes until needed for cement production. Clinker, gypsum, and other process additions are ground together in ball mills to form the final cement products. Fineness of the final products, amou nt of gypsum added, and the amount of process additions added are all varied to develop a desired performance in each of the final cement products.Our mobile cement plants are used in Indonesia, Vietnam , Iran, India, Chile, Venezuela, Libya, Angola, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan , Yeman, Eygpt, Nigeria, Tajikistan , Saudi Arabia , Zimbabwe, Dubai, Vietnam, Philippines, Brazil. Cement Plant Equipment 1. Kilns  : We have manufactured high-quality kilns, made of varied materials, since a long period of time. All kilns are excellent heat exchangers where heat is transferred in a variety of ways. We produce kilns which are made with precision and detailed accuracy.They are highly durable and made with attention to each and every detail as provided by the client. 2. High Efficiency Separators  : We also supply high efficiency separators with our cement plants. High availability, high selectivity, low energy consumption, proper product separation, cooling and drying, and relatively lo w capital expenditure are all the features available in our high-efficiency separator.. 3. Crushers  :A machine to reduce large solid chunks of raw material into smaller chunks.It is widely used in a cement plant. We are manufacturers of a wide range of crushers. We supply all types of crushers and crushing equipment to be used in cement plants. 4. Feeders  : We supply you a range of feeders in varying sizes and shapes. Used in cement plants, the feeders we are offering are efficiently designed for heavy duty applications. Available in different capacities and sizes, our feeders have been well-tested for facilitating uniform flow of materials to the crusher and conveyors. 5.Conveyors  : We offer our customers with premium quality conveyors which are used for transporting products from one end to another. Highly durable and robust, our conveyors are specially designed to handle all types of load and materials in a cement plant. 6. Hoppers  : Our range of hoppers are available in various capacities as required by customers. These hoppers are highly durable and have a rugged performance. Catering to the technological developments, our products have successfully met the industrial standards.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Party Government and the United Kingdom (UK) essays

Party Government and the United Kingdom (UK) essays Party Government is the type of Government we use in the UK; five main features can be identified from party government. Firstly, in nearly every general election it is just one party that wins a majority and forms the government, there have been exceptions, but usually, a one-party majority is a case. Secondly, party manifestos can be written, particularly around an election, and the party is winning the majority has a mandate to carry out of the policies in the manifesto, even the unpopular ones. Thirdly, the Government, and also the opposition party, have nearly all control of parliamentary time and agenda. Private Members Bills are occasionally discussed, but the bulk of the time is reserved for the government or opposition party. Fourthly, many official posts, including ministers and chairs of committees, are appointed by the leadership of parties, mainly the Government and opposition parties. This means a great deal of patronage is involved in party government. Finally, opposit ion to the government is normally through the official opposition party and other large parties that didn't form a government. Pressure groups and the public also have an impact on the opposition, but opposition is mainly in the form of the opposition parties. Party government, has its benefits to the country, but also its disadvantages. The main advantage to Party government is the fact that after a general election a clear and decisive government can form. This government normally stays united and rarely splits, providing a stable government. Another advantage of party government is that the electorate knows the policies that the government will be carried out because their election manifesto states their policies. The Doctrine of 'Manifesto and Mandate' allows the government to follow its policies without any major opposition because it says that a government has been elected, and so has authority to carry out its policies. Also, the fundamental dis...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cue vs. Queue

Cue vs. Queue Cue vs. Queue Cue vs. Queue By Maeve Maddox The first time I read the following passage, I thought the use of the word queue must be arcane computer science jargon, but when I read it a second time, I realized the spelling queue in this context was just a mistake: This happens to be one of our common gripes: that once the battery is end-of-life, we are pretty much forced to get a replacement unit since the battery takes a  queue  from Apple and is sealed inside the casing. The passage is from a product review. The writer is criticizing the fact that the consumer cannot replace the tool’s battery because, like the batteries in some Apple devices, it’s sealed. The tool’s manufacturers have â€Å"taken their cue† from Apple. Take one’s cue: use someone else’s behavior as a model for one’s own. The mistaken use of queue for cue was a new one for me, so I did a web search to see if this reviewer had company. He has plenty of company. And don’t pounce on the Americans; the misuse is global. I found examples on sites in the U.K., Australia, and Jamaica, as well as in the U.S. and in at least one printed book. Deron is on half speed one game, full speed another game. Everyone else takes their queue from that. Telstra are dead in the water. Hopefully the .au government takes their queue and busts it in half. The populace takes their queue from people of influence who are either silent on the matter†¦[or] are outrightly vocalising their contempt†¦ If the bride and groom are uptight and nervous the whole wedding takes their queue from them.   Cue and queue are both pronounced like the name of the letter Q. Queue, a French borrowing with the literal meaning of â€Å"tail,† is sometimes spelled cue in the context of hair: cue/queue: A long roll or plait of hair worn hanging down behind like a tail, from the head or from a wig; a pigtail. The expression â€Å"to take one’s cue† is from the figurative use of a theatrical term: cue: The concluding word or words of a speech in a play, serving as a signal or direction to another actor to enter, or begin his speech. The OED lists several historical spellings of cue in the sense of an actor’s signal, but the list does not include the spelling queue: kew, ku, quew, q, quue, que, Q, qu, kue. The word is spelled cue in A Midsummer’s Dream (1600); Bottom the Weaver is bossing his fellow actors: Curst be thy stones, for thus deceiuing mee. [deceiving me]. Deceiuing mee is Thisbyes cue: she is to enter now, and I am to spy Her through the wall. In British usage, a queue is a line of people or vehicles waiting to proceed or be served. In computer use, a queue is a list of data items or commands that are attended to in a certain order, such as a queue of documents waiting to be printed. Next time you have occasion to write the expression â€Å"take one’s cue,† take your cue from this article and remember to spell it cue. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Structure A Story: The Eight-Point ArcIs There a Reason â€Å"the Reason Why† Is Considered Wrong?1,462 Basic Plot Types

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example fit is the image that customer develops in his mind about the brand and the way in which that image influences the customer to go purchase the brand. It is important for the customer to draw some connection between the kind of person he is and the kind of brand that is being promoted. (Onkivist, 2008) Red-bull’s an energy drink which promises extreme energy. It’s tag-line is â€Å"it gives you wings†. The kind of promotional campaigns that the brand pursues involves a lot of adventure, car racing, games, etc. It’s brand identity has been built around cliff driving, ice-skating and street contests. Mother energy drink on the other hand is promoted with the following tag-line â€Å"right-hook to laziness, a smack in the face of slackness†. The brand logo on the coke can is gothic and the brand has been promoted as an all-natural drink. Given these kind of promotional tactics that red-bull and mother energy command there are various social characterist ics in people that influence consumers to consume Redbull and Mother energy drink. Schiffman, Bednall, O’Cass, Paladino, Ward & Kanuk (2008) may have had the right definition of consumer social character. They look at it as a personality trait of the consumer that ranges from inner-directness towards outer-directness. The consumer’s whom it refers to as ‘Inner-directed consumers’ are those who determine value of a brand by oneself. This is as opposed to by others. Inner-directed consumers are not easily influenced by others and also known as consumer innovators as consumers evaluate new products on their own. Other-directed consumers are easily influenced by others and are likely to be followers as consumers tend to look to others for opinions. Groups and social networks also have direct influence over the... This paper talks about two brands: Red Bull and Mother Energy Drink. The niche in which these brands compete is carbonated soft drink and it is a very narrow niche. Red-Bull is an Austrian brand that was first introduced in 1987. It is available in 120 countries all over the world and is widely regarded as the world’s number-one energy drink. Mother Energy drink is a brand of Coca Cola and was first released in Australia. It was introduced Australia in 2006 when Red Bull and V energy drink commanded 94% share in the market. The paper will compare and contrast how consumer social characteristics, their need for uniqueness and how being a visualizer or being a verbalizer affects consumer perception of the brand followed by a conclusion towards the end of the paper. The primary focus of the paper will be on how these three dimensions influence consumer behavior. According to Kotler (2010), consumer behavior is an enigma for marketers all over the world. Countless number of strate gies and approaches has been designed by marketers to understand the reasons behind why buyers choose a certain product over another similar product. However, a concrete model or method describing consumer behavior which guarantees a positive response from the buyer in the form of purchases or repeated purchases is yet to be formed. Both Red Bull and Mother are branded in different ways and create different impressions on the minds f the consumer. Likewise they will influence the consumer decision to purchase the brand in their own ways.